Tolson at 85 believes in getting the job done

Norris Tolson is not big on receiving honors and plaques.
“I believe in getting the job done,” Tolson said in a recent interview at his office at the Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce.
Rocky Mount Mayor Sandy Roberson, who serves on the Carolinas Gateway board, said in a recent phone interview that he cannot think of a more suitable person to be honored for civic service than Tolson.
And Roberson said, “I’ll tell you: He’s got the ability to see from an elevated viewpoint — I call it 40,000 feet — right on down to the granular level.”
Roberson said he thinks the world of Tolson.
“I think the world of his vision for our community and his willingness and ability to donate and really contribute so much of his time and money and effort to the advancement of Nash and Edgecombe counties and specifically the city of Rocky Mount,” Roberson said.