Florida developer OK'd for option to buy city-owned land near NCC

Could a Publix supermarket become part of the future landscape in the Rocky Mount area?
That’s what some indications are pointing to after the City Council unanimously approved an option on city-owned land near the Interstate 95 interchange with U.S. 64 and near the future I-95 interchange with Sunset Avenue.
A Florida-based developer of shopping centers, many in the Southeast and anchored by a Publix, received the go-ahead from the council to start the process of buying 19 acres of municipally owned land for nearly $5 million. The land is across from Nash Community College.
Mayor Sandy Roberson, in a phone interview Tuesday afternoon, said city leaders are waiting to hear if Halvorsen Suburban Centers says yes to a Publix being part of the development in the Rocky Mount area.
“I would love for a Publix to come to town, but they are trying to pull together their standard package — and I’m excited for it,” Roberson said. “I think it’s going to be a good thing for us.”
As for what this latest activity says about Project 336, Roberson called it a validation of the wisdom the council had in purchasing the land.
“What it says is that we’ve got a great piece of land,” Roberson added. “It sits in the corner of two main throughfares with a lot — a lot of traffic.”
And he continued to emphasize, as he has in recent weeks and months, that city leaders are looking to have live-work-and-play types of environments in the area.
“And we are smart to be able to control what gets developed there,” Roberson said.