December 12, 2022


Item 9: A. Consideration of the Following Tax Releases and/or Refunds:
• Schedule A - Report of taxes under $100 approved for release and/or refund by the City Manager; and
• Schedule B - Report of taxes over $100 recommended for release and/or refund by the City Council
B. Consideration of Recommendation for Approval of Award of Duty Badge and Sidearm to Police Captain Charles Williams for 30 Years of Credible Service View
C. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding with Carolina Strive [formerly Carolina Stallions] for Youth Services (15,000) View
D. Consideration of Acquisition of 808 South Grace Street @ cost of $20,000 View
E. Consideration of 1) Irrevocable Petition for Annexation; 2) Annexation and Utility Service Agreement for Water Service at 4290 S. Church Street (annexation not recommended at this time)
F. Consideration of Professional Service Agreement with WithersRavenel to develop a sewer model for the City’s sewer collection system (grant funding in the amount of $400,000 secured from the Division of Water Infrastructure - no match or grant fee required) View
G. Consideration of Amended and Restated Electric Service Agreement with Tidal Data Systems, LLC (Tidal) for Service at 50 Merchant Court (amends contract demand from 3,200 kilowatts to 4,800 kilowatts) View
H. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Lease Agreement with Stephanie Mitchell for City- Owned Property at 152 East Thomas Street in the Manhattan Building on the Douglas Block (3- year lease; annual rent = $6,600; term November 23, 2022 – November 22, 2025; lease advertised pursuant to G.S. 160A-272)
I. Consideration of 1) Lease Procurement and Maintenance Management with Enterprise Fleet Management; 2) Adopting Resolution Approving Administrative Policy No. III.22 Entitled “Leased Vehicle Procurement Policy”; and 3) Adopting Resolution Amending Position and Classification and Pay Plan as follows:
Current Department/ Division Current Position Current Range Reclassified Department/ Division. Reclassified Position Reclassified Range No. Positions
Public Works/Fleet Maintenance Equipment Mechanic I 10 Public Works/Fleet Procurement. Specialist 12 1
Public Works/Fleet Maintenance Equipment Mechanic I 10 Finance/ Accounting Accountant I 17 1
J. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Lease Agreement with Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce for City-Owned Property of - 4,800 square feet on the Second Floor and 400 square feet on the Third Floor of the Helen P. Gay Historic Train Station (3-year lease; annual rent = $13,200; term January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2026; lease advertised pursuant to G.S. 160A-272)
K. Consideration of FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendment for Senior Center General Purpose Grant from the Upper Coastal Plain Area Agency on Aging appropriating funds in the General Fund ($10,901)
L. Consideration of a Grant Project Ordinance to appropriate an additional $350,000 from the General Fund to the Community Development Fund for the 2022-2023 Urgent Repair Program (current budget - $332,000 – additional appropriation provides a total Urgent Repair budget of $682,000)
M. Consideration of Bid for the purchase of one (1) Stertil-Koni Heavy Duty Flush Mounted Skylift – award to Alan Tye & Associates for a total cost of $187,893.00 (through the NC Division of Purchase and Contract group purchasing program [Statewide Term Contract #070D-Vehicle Lifts & Garage Associated Equipment])

Recommended Action: Approve Consent Agenda inclusive of:
1) Acknowledge Receipt of Report from the Interim City Manager of Schedule A Taxes Approved for Release and/or Refund;
2) Approve Release and/or Refund of Taxes Listed on Schedule B;
3) Approval of award of duty badge and sidearm
4) Authorization for the Mayor, City Clerk or Interim City Manager to Execute
Any Required Documentation for the above referenced Contracts,
Agreements and Leases
5) Authorize Property Acquisition at Recommended Price
6) Receive Petition/Postpone Annexation
7) Award Bid as Recommended
8) Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions


A. Knight - Y
R. Blackwell - Y
R. Joyner - Y
T.J. Walker - Y
L. Daughtridge - Y
T. Harris - Y
J. Walker - Y