How the City Leaders can Regain the Trust of the Citizens

For Immediate Release
May 17, 2020
Media Contact: Cary Cox, 252.955.0819
How the City Leaders can Regain the Trust of the Citizens after the N.C. Office of the State Auditor Report on its Findings of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Rocky Mount
Rocky Mount, N.C.— Update from Rocky Mount Mayor Sandy Roberson on the next steps the City Council must take to earn back the trust of the citizens after the release of the N.C. State Auditor's report on 5/15/2020 and the efforts of those City leaders being investigated "to obscure issues, mislead the reader, and minimize the importance of OSA’s findings and recommendations."
WHAT: Virtual Press Conference
WHEN: Monday, May 18 at 12 noon
WHY: Next steps the City Council must take to earn back the trust of the citizens after the release of the N.C. State Auditor's report on 5/15/2020
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