FY 2021 Installment Financing Contract with Banc of America Public Capital Corporation for Equipment
Item 11 - Consideration of FY 2021 Installment Financing Contract with Banc of America Public Capital
Corporation for Equipment ($4,434,000 - fixed interest rate of 0.7617% for a 59-month term) and Resolution Approving Proposal:
- 59-month term ($4,434,000)
• $1,285,000 – Transformers at Old Mill Road Point of Delivery Station
• $2,400,000 – Wastewater Treatment Plant Generation System
• $167,000 – Tar River Reservoir Raw Water Aeration System
• $582,000 – Wastewater Treatment Plant Switch Gear & Motor Control CenterRecommended Actions - Adopt Resolution (authorizes execution and delivery of installment financing agreement and such certificates and documents necessary; and authorizes the Mayor, Finance Director and City Manager, or any one of them, to execute necessary documentation on behalf of the City)Votes
Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - Y