Consideration of Business Services HVAC Replacement Project, and Equipment for Meadowbrook Park
Item 15 - Consideration of the following Bids for:
a) Business Services HVAC Replacement Project - award to Matthews Mechanical @ total cost of
$162,800 (MWBE-owned business); and
b) Recreation and Playground Equipment for Meadowbrook Park - based on bid awarded by Omnia
Partners Group Purchasing Program - award to Kompan, Inc. @ total cost of $90,239.30 (group purchasing exception)Recommended Actions - 1) Award Bids as Recommended;
2) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Bid Contract for (a) on Behalf of the City and
3) Authorize the Purchasing Division to Issue Purchase Order and Execute Bid Document for (b) in Accordance with the Council’s AwardVotes
Knight - Y
Blackwell - Y
Joyner - Y
Walker - Y
Daughtridge - Y
Bullock - Y
Miller - Y